Welcome to the new
Alpha Upsilon house
Los Angeles, California – The 2024 Holiday Season is an ideal time for Alpha Upsilon Sigs to step up with their tax-deductible commitment in support of building our new chapter house at USC.
We have now reached about 40% of our capital campaign goal of $14M to build a new chapter house and create a $500,000 endowed scholarship fund to support deserving Alpha Upsilon undergraduates.
According to the Four Pillars Campaign Executive Director Lisa Dulyea. “The Trojan Sigs are now seeing that this amazing project is getting closer and closer to reality,” she said, “and now is the time to be a part of this effort and help get us across the finish line.”
“The old house has served us well,” said Kerry McCluggage, President of the Trojan Sig Foundation and Chairman of the Four Pillars Capital Campaign. “But to continue to provide a quality ‘live-in' experience and support the chapter’s number one ranking on the Row, the importance of our mission has never been greater.”
The stunning building will be constructed on the present site of the current house (it remains the largest piece of land on The Row) and carry Alpha Upsilon forward for future generations of our undergraduate brothers. It will provide a chapter house that is representative of Sigma Chi's leadership role in the USC Greek Community, be competitive with housing options (on and off campus) and help keep the occupancy of the house full of emerging, active leaders.
Join the ranks of Brothers like David Pyle, who gave $1M and another $1M in a matching fund that has been fully amortized with alumni and parent gifts.
Just imagine yourself holding a golden shovel at the ceremonial groundbreaking or using commemorative scissors to cut the ribbon at our Grand Opening. All donors will be invited to these ceremonies to celebrate being a part of the 135-year history of the Alpha Upsilon chapter of Sigma Chi.
Designed by architects Krittenbrink Architecture LLC, the leading fraternity and sorority architecture firm in the nation, the new Alpha Upsilon house will feature:
32,000+ sq. ft. on four levels
a mix of double and single rooms (84 capacity)
a new chapter library and chapter room
meeting rooms supported with the newest technology
entertainment space for both alumni and undergraduate activities
study spaces and gathering places with a full range of digital media
a fitness center and recreation room
new modern kitchen and larger dining area
a brand-new volleyball court and basketball court
The new chapter house will be built to the highest contemporary standards so that our investment will serve the Alpha Upsilon Chapter for many years to come and secure our legacy as the most prestigious and sought-after fraternity at USC.
Brothers, this is where you step up. This is where you make history. This is where your name gets added to the Alumni Donor Wall as one of the men who helped usher the Alpha Upsilon chapter of Sigma Chi into its next, proud era.
To make a donation, sponsor a naming opportunity, or join our fund-raising effort, please follow this link:
All gifts to the Trojan Sig Foundation's (a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization) Four Pillars Capital Campaign are tax deductible and can include one-time gifts, matching funds or pledges of up to three years. Non-cash assets (like equity stocks or bonds), in-kind gifts, and more are appreciated as well.
Please contact Capital Campaign Chairman Kerry McCluggage by email or phone at
kerry@craftsmanfilms.com​ or 626-487-2420 or Executive Director Four Pillars Campaign Lisa Dulyea ldulyea@outlook.com or at (626) 275-2757. We are so grateful for your support and consideration of this important effort.
In Hoc and Fight On!

SITE PLAN click to enlarge
MAIN FLOOR click to enlarge
Mail in your donor form (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FORM) Please make checks payable to the 'Trojan Sig Foundation'
Mail to: Trojan Sig Foundation, c/o Bresee Warner, 10960 Wilshire Blvd #1510, Los Angeles, CA 90024